“Changing The Lives of Men and Women...
One Bite At a Time”
Over the past 4 years, the Total Wellness Cleanse has empowered more than 21,000 men and women of all walks of like to incredible health, easier weight loss, sustained energy, and better daily eating habits.
Here's just a glimpse of some of the feedback we've received…

"Within a couple days I was feeling better and more energetic than I had in years."
“Using the Total Wellness Cleanse was exactly what I needed to get on the right track. I was motivated by a recent Celiac diagnosis, nagging skin rash and chronic Migraines to do an elimination diet.
The program provided all the recipes, health information and coaching information to make the program a breeze. The recipes were quick, tasty, filling & easy to make. Within a couple days I was feeling better and more energetic than I had in years. A huge thank you the Total Wellness team for a wonderful product. Well worth the money."
The teleclasses were most helpful and the information was wonderful. These classes I have saved and will listen to over and over. The things I learned have helped me tremendously.
The recipes I am still using, they are simple, tasty and of out of all the books I have with raw recipes yours are the easiest to prepare. Thanks for everything!”
— Charmaine Wilson
"I lost 6 kg during the cleanse… it just happened!"
“Dear Yuri, firstly I would like to thank you for all the information that you have imparted as part of the cleanse. I have been looking for answers for years but never getting satisfactory answers. I feel that now I finally understand what has been going on in my body for years.
I lost 6 kg during the cleanse though I did not need to or try to… it just happened. I plan to continue with juicing and smoothies as well as not too much meat or dairy. I do plan to keep having my kefir made from raw milk though.
Thank you for all your help!”
— Lynne Benson
"I have lost 3kg in the first 2 weeks, I feel leaner and stronger."
“The Total Wellness Cleanse has really worked for me. My body fat percentage is down 3% and my muscle percentage is up a similar amount. I feel great and have learned a whole new way of eating that will change me forever, thank you.
Losing weight wasn't my goal as I was a good weight but I have lost 3kg in the first 2 weeks, I feel leaner and stronger. My skin seems a lot healthier and people have noticed this who didn't now I was on he cleanse.
I'm a mountain biker and the increase in strength with the 3kg weight loss has really made a difference to my climbing.
My advice to others - be 100% positive that this is the moment where you take back control and start dong something that will help you forever. Don't be unsure and don't compromise, follow the cleanse exactly, it's the simplest way.”
— Peter, North Wales - UK
"I am 64 years old and feel like 35!"
“First of all, it was so easy to use and informative. The email support from Yuri and fellow group members was incredible. I must admit that I didn't think I would be able to do it since most of the food on the cleanse diet were foreign to me. I was not a big fan of eating raw or especially drinking green juices. I found it amazing that once I started so many of these new foods i began to enjoy and in fact crave more than the foods I would normally eat.
Also, the preparation time was so much shorter and easier that preparing my normal meals. The cooking class videos were amazing. I got a kick out of seeing Yuri prepare each dish and was happy to see him adjust each recipe to the ingredients he had on hand. As to my results I couldn't be happier. My energy has sky rocketed, my mood is positive and happy and I have been able to sleep so soundly. Where has all the stress gone?
I have lost over 20 pounds, gone is my belly fat and inches have disappeared off almost every part of my body. I feel absolutely great and I am so grateful for having found Total Wellness and Yuri. If anyone is looking for the fountain of youth look no further than Total Wellness. I am 64 years old and feel like 35!”
— Maggie Groom
“…And my SKIN! It was the first thing I noticed changing about 4 days into the cleanse.”
“Yuri, thank you for the incredible wisdom of your program. I have finally learned from it how to cleanse WITH food instead of believing I have to do a juice fast to accomplish it. While I do still believe in the benefits of juice fasting, I had never been able to reconcile doing so as a continual and permanent lifelong lifestyle change. Your program is entirely sustainable for a lifetime.
What I have experienced is an increase in my overall sense of well-being, personal power and confidence. My fitness level went up faster than at any other time I can recall. I have more energy. I have lost fat and gained muscle tone.
And my SKIN! It was the first thing I noticed changing about four days into the cleanse. I just turned 51, so this is a big deal to me. I just happened to touch my face that morning, and I couldn't believe how soft and smooth it was. I found it necessary to have everyone in my family touch it. They all agreed it felt amazing. And if that wasn't enough...just last night when I was out shopping for more greens, a young man came up and quite brazenly flirted with me (boy, did I ever blush). He seemed not to care or maybe didn't realize that I am old enough to be his mother. It was hilarious and wonderfully flattering.
As for eating, I literally crave the fantastic recipes you offer above the heavier, less healthy fare to which I have previously felt helpless to resist. Now, I usually just don't want it. Instead I want Green Revolution and don't go a day without craving Rawsagna.
I have even shared the food I have made with some of my friends who aren't actively cleansing and have had them ask for the recipes or, better, could I please just make them some more...a whole pot, please...that includes my husband and our 10 year old daughter and three teenaged sons. My family has tried almost everything I have made and liked it, which is HUGE for me. I have worried about how to make sure they are getting enough healthy foods and about what kind of example I am setting by the way they see me eat as well as what I prepare for them.
Yuri, your Total Wellness program feels like a life-saving answer to Prayer. Thank you.”
— Connie Hines
"I feel 10 years younger, look better and have tons more energy, which I really need with two kids, and a full time job."
“Hi Yuri, this is Radhika. Paresh Khatri's wife. Both Paresh and I have been following the cleanse since Jan 1st and wow…..what a difference!!!!! I feel 10 years younger, look better and have tons more energy, which I really need with two kids, and a full time job.
Since starting the cleanse I have lost 10lbs bringing me back to my pre-pregnancy weight which I had gained with my daughter 10 years ago. Paresh has lost additional 5lbs to a total of 25lbs since he started working with you about 4 months ago.
Love the recipes….simple and delicious. The best part was how easy and fast they were to prepare. I have dinner on the table in 15-20 minutes after coming home from work which is faster than when I was eating regularly.
Absolutely love the program and your daily inspirational emails, which I used to share with my cousin who is also wheat free now. Our whole eating habit has changed and the whole family is now eating this way. Thank you Yuri for teaching us how easy it can be.”
— Radhika Khatri
"I feel like this is an eating style I can maintain forever…"
“Hi Yuri – I just completed the 30-day Total Wellness Cleanse and the results have exceeded my expectations. I lost 7 pounds, and am now at a very comfortable weight that I have been struggling to reach for almost 2 years – and this time I didn’t struggle at all! I also lost an inch around my waist and hips, and close to an inch around my thighs. ”
But more important, I am off caffeine (from 2 cups of coffee a day), drink red wine only once a week (instead of a glass every night), and have eliminated most of my sugar/snack cravings.
And best of all, I feel like this is an eating style I can maintain forever – more and more fresh veggies, a little fruit, a bit of grains/legumes, and a bit of fish or eggs. Most of the recipes in the program are delicious and I will continue using them. I am also enjoying the teleclass seminars, which are informative and inspiring.
Thank you for all the education and support.”
— Ellen Rubin
"I lost 12 pounds of body fat…"

“As I finish my first 30 days on the Total Wellness Cleanse I have to admit that I am shocked at the pictures of myself. I know what the scale said, but looking at the pictures really shows much more.
I may have only lost 10 pounds on the scale, but I lost 12 pounds of body fat and packed on 2 pounds of lean muscle mass. To some people that may not be a lot, but it would help to know that I was already following a vegan diet for the most part.
I was pescatarian but I only ate fish about once a month. The cleanse helped me to get off soy, sugar and processed vegan foods. I can only imagine the difference if I was still on the Standard American Diet. I had hit a plateau in my weight loss that was going on almost a year. The Cleanse helped me to bust through that plateau and begin losing body fat again.
One of the best parts about the Cleanse is that I really enjoyed the recipes. Following the cleanse as close as possibleI learned to love some dishes that I might not have had the courage to make before. I feel that the cleanse was one of the best investments I have made in myself in a long time.
I have more energy to get through the day as well as put time in at the gym. I know that I will be going back through the Cleanse phase and Accelerated Weight Loss Program again before I head to the Maintenance phase. I have, just a few more weight loss goals to accomplish before I get to Maintenance, and I know I will get there. This is not just a diet for me, it is a new way of life.
Here is my evaluation of the Total Wellness Cleanse...
Losses: Weight/Body Fat, inches, dependency on caffeine/sugar.
Gains: Courage, confidence, strength, good recipes, and better overall wellness.
Total: Gains - Losses = Total Wellness & Happiness = Priceless"
Thank you for all the education and support.”
— Cadi Himes
"I lost 24lbs during the 30-day cleanse… My complexion is better and I'm not getting any more of those wicked hypoglycemic headaches!"
“First, thank you for all your hard work in putting the cleanse together and for all your support throughout. I really enjoyed learning about the ways various foods affect my body and the whole physiology of blood, organs, digestion and elimination systems and you've provided a wealth of information I can keep referring to.
I lost 24lbs during the 30-day cleanse. I feel great in my body. My complexion is better and I'm not getting any more of those wicked hypoglycaemic headaches.
More important than all that hard data, I've completely changed how I think about food and what I put into my body. Yeah, I'm still having the odd Hershey Kiss here and there, but it doesn't derail me. I enjoy them and then continue with ‘green stuff’. Thanks again.”
— Nathalie Peladeau, Toronto, Canada
"I have been off chronic medication since I started the cleanse and trust that it is now something of the past"
“Prior to the Total Wellness Cleanse I had been struggling with my colon, sinus and bad skin for a very long time. However, I saw a marked difference within 5 days of starting the cleanse. It has now almost been two months and my life has changed.
I have been off chronic medication since I started the cleanse and trust that it is something of the past. I have also managed to lose 9kg, which is something else I have been struggling to do. I have loads more energy and a total different outlook on life.
Thank you for changing my life, and inevitably changing my family's life. Lots of love.”
— Marisca Fourie, Centurion, South Africa
"A friend who hadn't seen me in a while commented that I have the skin of a teenager. I lost 10 pounds, an inch from my waist, and two and a half inches from my hips!"

“This cleanse is amazing. It far surpassed my expectations. I had tried seven or eight times to quit drinking coffee in the past with no long-term success. Thanks to the cleanse, I have completely eliminated it from my life.
I had been addicted to sugar since I was a child, and that is no longer part of my daily life either.
I have far fewer headaches, my skin is smooth and acne free. A friend who hadn't seen me in a while commented that I have the skin of a teenager. I lost 10 pounds, an inch from my waist, and two and a half inches from my hips.
I have more energy now than I have had in many, many years.
Mostly, I value the wealth of knowledge I obtained on how to truly love and care for myself, body, mind and spirit. Yuri, Amy and Adam have given me an opportunity to change my life for the better. I am very grateful to them.”
— Jennifer Ripa-Edson, Ridgebury, Connecticut, USA
"The Most Life Changing Decision I’ve Ever Made For Myself!"

“The Master Cleanse had been getting a lot of press, so I was considering using that method to “shock” myself back into health. I was doing some research on YouTube when I came across a video of Yuri talking about how the Master Cleanse might not be a healthy choice. I read through all of the literature for the Total Wellness Cleanse and it sounded like a healthier and an all encompassing cleanse. I thought it was just the thing for me to turn my life around… and boy, was I right!
My initial weight was 170 for my 5’7” frame. I was considered obese by most standards. My blood pressure was pre-hypertensive, my cholesterol was out of whack, and my triglycerides were 226 — too high.
Amazingly enough, I didn’t suffer many detox symptoms from alcohol withdrawal and the recipes were varied enough that I never felt bored or hungry. My first week I lost 11 pounds! After the 3rd day, I would wake up BEFORE my alarm went off in the mornings and jump out of bed full of energy.
At the end of the 30 days, I had dropped a total of 19 pounds. My blood pressure was back to normal, as was my cholesterol and triglycerides.
It really seems like Yuri and Amy have thought of everything to get me through the 30 days. It was virtually impossible to fail! Thank you Yuri and Amy! My life is permanently changed for the better for having experienced the Total Wellness Cleanse!”
— Kristine Thom, San Diego, California, USA

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© Elkaim Group International, Inc. (O/A Total Wellness Consulting)
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