
Why Cleansing Improves Your Health?
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
To understand why cleansing improves your health, you have to know what it does, and why you need it. Cleansing isn't just about losing weight. In fact, you don't even have to be overweight to need a cleanse.
Cleansing is about balancing the body, clearing away toxic sludge built up in the liver, kidneys, and bowels, and creating a healthy body that can fight off diseases, like diabetes and cancer.
The food that most Westerners eat is toxic. These foods are highly refined, full of preservatives, additives and hormones, packed with sugar, and overall bad for our body's pH balance and digestive health. After years and years of this kind of diet, cleansing is the only way to undo the damage, and to make sure that no more damage occurs.
During a cleanse, your body is going to renew itself by flushing out toxins stored in fat and other cells, generating new, healthy cells, and ridding itself of malformed or toxic cells. Your body will also, finally, be able to move old, decaying food through the colon, and get rid of mucus build-up inside the intestines, caused by too much dairy.
Once the body is rid of all of these built-up, sticky toxins, it can clear awasy parasites and fungi, like candida, as well. Cleansing will make your body more alkaline, the way it is meant to be, and an alkaline body is not good home for fungi and parasites. In fact, these pests prefer to live in the kind of acidic body brought on by sugar, caffeine, meat, dairy, and refined wheat.
So, cleansing isn't a weight-loss plan. Yes, you can expect to drop a few pounds (considerably more if you are over-weight), but, more importantly, you can expect your overall health and energy to vastly improve. Your body will function better, your mind will be more alert, and your energy will be steady and abundant.
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