
What Is Dysbiosis?
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
Dysbiosis is a condition of imbalanced intestinal flora. Toxic bowels and overall declining health can be caused by the loss of good intestinal flora, and the overgrowth of harmful intestinal bacteria and parasites.
To understand dysbiosis, it is important to remember that our healthy, well-functioning bowels and small intestine contain a balance of healthy and harmful microorganisms, that keep each other in check and the digestive system balanced and healthy. This intestinal flora, as it is called, helps break down food, protect us from toxins and antigens, and aid us in absorbing essential nutrients.
When humans take antibiotics to cure a sickness, or when they eat too much sugar, meat, dairy, pesticides, herbicides and preservatives, they upset the healthy balance in the digestive system by killing off good bacteria and creating an acidic inner-body environment wherein harmful organisms thrive, and helpful ones die off. The result of either behavior, taking antibiotics or consuming bad foods, is dysbiosis.
In a state of dysbiosis, the harmful gut bacteria have overgrown, along with parasites and fungi. These organisms then live inside the gut, feasting and excreting their waste. The waste can then enter the body and cause disease by compromising the immune system. Dysbiosis makes the body more susceptible to germs, viruses and illness-causing bacteria. Since it weakens the intestine’s ability to fight bacteria and eliminate waste, it can lead to permeable intestinal cell walls, that allow large food particles and other toxins to enter the blood stream resulting in the condition referred to as leaky gut syndrome. Leaky Gut has been linked to allergies, Lupus, and other well-known diseases. It has even been linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Since the major causes of dysbiosis are found in foods and medicine, changing eating habits and staying off of antibiotics are essential to healing. Besides antibiotics, pesticides and herbicides are two major factors contributing to dysbiosis. For this reason, ending consumption of non-organic fruits and vegetables, wheat products, and animal products should be a major priority. Eating a diet rich in raw, organic vegetables and natural foods, staying away from sugar and caffeine, and limiting alcohol and gluten are other ways to heal dysbiosis.
In addition to major dietary changes, a cleanse can help clear out built up toxins and rebalance the body away from acidity and towards alkalinity so it can, again, house beneficial intestinal flora. Once the body is properly cleansed and rebalanced, supplements can help replace beneficial intestinal flora, further restoring balance and health.
any people experiencing the negative effects of dysbiosis are not aware of the causes or the condition itself. Dysbiosis is a serious and common problem that leads to many other symptoms, such as Candida overgrowth and Leaky Gut Syndrome. Changing diet, avoiding antibiotics, cleansing the body to detoxify and restore alkalinity, and replacing intestinal flora can heal dysbiosis.
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