
What Are The Dangers Of Constipation?
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
Constipation has many dangers and side effects. When the bowels are not regularly pushing waste out, the entire digestive system can become backed up and unhealthy. Waste stays in our bodies longer, and becomes sticky and hardened along the intestinal wall, and, overtime, starts to fester and enlarge intestinal pores, letting toxins enter our blood stream. Constipation also causes strain during bowel movements, resulting in Diverticula, outgrowths that form along the walls of the colon. Food and waste can be stuck in these, causing them to become infected. If they burst, deadly toxins can be released into the body.
Colon cancer also seems to be linked to those with diets low in fiber and high in processed foods, sugar, and fat. Although there are also genetic causes, the correlation between those with less frequent bowel movements and poor diets and colon cancer is hard to ignore. And there is no debate that constipation is directly linked to dysbiosis and Leaky Gut Syndrome. If the intestinal pores become enlarged and food particles leak in the body will attack. This condition is called Leaky Gut Syndrome, and the attack is linked with allergies, bodily discomforts, lupus and asthma.
Autointoxication, a condition in which the body poisons itself over and over again, is also a result of constipation. Autointoxication occurs when the stasis in the bowels allows waste build up to become a breeding ground for harmful, waste-secreting bacteria and parasites, and a host of toxic chemicals. These harmful substances enter the blood and are carried throughout the body, where they lower the immune system, promote the overgrowth of Candida, a fungus, cause nervousness, depression, skin disorders, headaches, fatigue, muscle weakness and an endless list of disease and illness.
With these problems in mind, it should be no wonder that constipation and poor colon health are thought by some experts to be one of the major causes of death and disease. The digestive system is one of the most complex bodily systems, and a very delicate one. Within our colon, tiny microorganisms live and maintain balance between the bad bacteria, fungi, and molds that enter our digestive systems through our food.
These bacteria are tiny intestinal flora that protect our bodies from the overgrowth of harmful substances. They even help us break down and absorb plant nutrients. But, if you become constipated and backed up, it is safe to say that this delicate balance within the lower intestine and colon has been upset. It may be because of antibiotics, a poor diet, or both. Constipation is a symptom of poor colon health, as much as it is a breeding ground for more disease and illness. For this reason, constipation should be taken very seriously, and its causes should be avoided. That’s one of the reasons that cleansing is so important!
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