Wellness Cleanse Diet
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
When we think of the word diet we think of tasteless meal replacement bars and starving ourselves to maintain a certain caloric intake. We think of the multitude of foods we have to give up and that celery will soon be synonymous with lunch. That however, is not what the wellness cleanse diet from our Total Wellness Cleanse offers. Instead, this is a 30-day guide to help you jump start weight loss and health improvement goals by detoxing your body of all the hazardous crud that has built up over the years. Our bodies are no different than an automobile. It only takes so long of running the same path, without proper maintenance before some sort of breakdown occurs.
Let’s be honest. If we all thought about it, that juicy fast food burger and fries only tastes good while we are eating it. As soon as we are done our bodies instantly give us the feeling of why did you feed me garbage again?
Years of alcohol, sweets and bad food has caused our bodies to become fatigued, overweight and generally unhealthy looking. A wellness cleanse diet can help you regain energy, loose weight and bring radiance and clear complexion back to your skin. The Total Wellness Cleanse Program is designed with two phases.
Days 1-14 make up the Cleanse Phase. During this phase you will end your need to eat foods that are loaded with fats and sugars and diminish cravings for alcohol and sweets. The company offers daily support as well as a guided dietary, lifestyle and exercise plan to help you reach your health goals. While that candy bar tastes so good when you are upset, you fail to realize that all of that sugar gets stored in the form of fat in our bodies. Sugar also slowly corrodes away at your body and triggers free-radical damage to the arteries and body tissues. The long term results can be diabetes, obesity or heart attack.
The Cleanse Phase teaches you to transform your bodies internal environment. After the first week of this wellness cleanse diet you will notice that you have more energy, feel more revived and even achieve a flatter stomach.
Days 15-30 make up the Maintenance Phase of this wellness cleanse diet. During this time you will condition your body and mind to integrate the healthy eating and lifestyle tips learned in the Cleanse phase into your regular life. Any time you choose to embark on any form of cleansing program or dietary change, it is necessary to wean your body off of the old and onto the new. When you attempt to change your habits quickly, your body still searches to satisfy those cravings and you will find that your attempts at maintaining a healthier lifestyle fall drastically shorter than the expectations you had hoped for.
The wellness cleanse diet that is outlined in the Total Wellness Cleanse Program does not involve any magic pills or supplements that promise fast results. Instead, we have designed a multitude of meal plans that incorporate foods that you regularly find at the local grocery store. These easy to follow recipes will help you learn what foods work best for you body.
The benefits of cleansing your body are the elimination of toxins that are built up as well as improving overall digestion.
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