
Weight Loss Cleanse
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
There are many adverts all over the internet on the various ways you can achieve weight loss, but, I must tell you the truth, a vast majority of those “solutions” involve weight loss techniques that are not sustainable. They simply cannot give a lasting solution to your weight problem.
Perhaps, the concept of cleansing is new to you, right? Let me quickly tell you what it means. Cleansing refers to the removal of toxic substances from your body, therefore, a weight loss cleanse is the process of removing unwanted food wastes that have accumulated in your body over time in order to reduce your weight and also purify your internal body system. The approach here is totally different from the orthodox approach because it makes use of a change in both your diet and lifestyle.
The usual approach to weight loss is to burn calories and reduce fat through diet and/or exercise. But seldom does this approach remove accumulated toxins and food wastes from your body, particularly the colon, which is the last part of the intestines. The colon’s average weight is approximately 4lbs but it can increase in size by almost 10-fold as a result of gradual deposits of food wastes on its walls. When this gradual deposit persists for some years, the process automatically adds to the weight of the colon and also increases the risk of re-absorption of the toxins contained in these wastes into the body.
Weight loss through cleansing can be helpful if you eat the right food that will not “plug” up your colon. A natural cleanse will push out the waste that has stuck to your colonic walls over the years. But that’s not all because cleansing leaves you with a very efficient digestive system, hence more nutrients can be released into your system. As a result of better nutrient absorption, you may find your cravings for food declines.
In order to successfully shed your excess weight the most important aspect is your ability to change how you eat . This will require you to respect what you put into your mouth. As a rule of thumb, avoid the western diet. Add more fruits and vegetables into your diet, get plenty of water, and omega-3 fatty acids. Within a few short days you’ll begin to feel a lot better and you’ll start losing weight for good.
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