
Top 3 Foods To Get Out Of Your Kitchen
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
If your home growing up was anything like mine, there were probably three main staples: bread, milk, and lunch meats, or deli meats. These were things that you always had around for an easy meal.
Cherish your childhood memories forever, but its time to rethink your diet. Wheat, dairy, and deli meats are are trouble for your liver, colon, lungs, and skin. These three foods should not be in your kitchen.
Wheat is an allergen. It Contains gluten, which many people have an allergic reaction to. It is difficult for the body to break down, and becomes sticky inside the bowels. Wheat also feeds Candida and other fungi, and parasites.
Dairy is a very unnatural food. Humans, and other animals for that matter, are not meant to consume milk past a certain age, and are certainly not meant to consume the milk of another animal for life. Dairy contains bacteria, aids the growth of bacteria, encourages mucus build up in the bowels, and causes acne.
Deli meats are brimming with toxins, like artificial coloring, flavoring, and other spices. They are full of fillers and preservatives. Meat is difficult for the body to break down and digest anyway. Deli meats only compound this problem and add more toxic chemicals to the mix.
Once you break your habit of eating these deli meats, dairy, and wheat, you will notice yourself feeling a lot better. Your skin will clear up and you'll have more energy. Your bowel movements will become regular again.
Get these three foods out of your kitchen. You'll be glad you did.
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