Probiotics Keep The Digestive System Healthy

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

Two drugs that were commonly prescribed in 2008 for the relief of irritable bowel syndrome were having “adverse effects” on patients. That is what led researchers* to pursue probiotics and test them as relief from the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS. In several studies, probiotics were given to patients suffering from IBS and the results were monitored.

IBS is a disease that effects millions of Americans. It is characterized by gassiness, bloating, and sudden urges to go to the bathroom. Diarrhea and constipation can also be experienced intermittently when the colon becomes irritated and acts up.

The causes of this disease, according to Western science, is not very well understood, and treatments vary. Among holistic healers, however, IBS is said to be caused by a poor diet, which turns the body acidic, kills intestinal flora, and causes the colon to become plugged and toxic. Holistic healers have also understood probiotics to be an effective defense against IBS, constipation, and other bowel symptoms and health problems.

The term probiotics refers to living microorganisms that are captured in pill form or created from a symbiotic relationship,such as kombucha tea brewed from a live culture. These microorganisms are the type that are found naturally in the colon and stomach of healthy humans. Inside the human body, they help with digestion by breaking down food and keeping the intestine clean and clear of build up.

Probiotics are destroyed when the pH balance of the body becomes too acidic vs. alkaline due to a poor diet. They can also be destroyed by taking antibiotics, since antibiotics are bacteria killing drugs which do not discriminate between the good and bad bacteria they contact.

The role of healthy microflora in your digestive system has been underestimated for years by Western Science, but recent studies have begun to make the role of friendly bacteria known. 11 studies in 2008* proved that taking a probiotic alleviated IBS symptoms, even in patients who did not implement other dietary changes.

At the TotalWellnessCleanse, we recommend probiotics combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Such a diet and lifestyle can prevent IBS before it appears, fight cancer, aging, and chronic fatigue. We believe that probiotics, although effective on their own, are not a catch all solution to IBS, but are actually a part of a holistic approach to health and wellness.

When you eat a healthy diet, avoid antibiotics, and take care of your body, you can stop chronic diseases before they start. If you are already being bothered by IBS or other health problems, a cleanse and dietary changes might help you.

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