Master Cleanse Diet Recipes
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
The Master Cleanse Diet is a system that involves three phases. During the first and last phase you wean your body on and off food. The second phase involves drinking a blend to help promote colon cleansing. There is only one specific recipe for this and that is as follows:
Option 1: (single serving)
2 Tbsp Freshly Squeezed lemon juice, not the kind you get in the store already.
2 Tbsp Pure Organic Maple Syrup
1/10 Tsp Cayenne pepper
10 oz. glass of hot water
Option 2: (for a bulk daily amount)
60 oz. water
12 Tbsp Pure Organic Maple Syrup
12 Tbsp Freshly Squeezed lemon juice
½ Tsp Cayenne Pepper
It is important that you use fresh lemons for the drink mix. Fruits loose many nutrients when they are squeezed and packaged. Not to mention that preservatives and additives may be added by companies. The excess products are not helpful for colon cleansing. For the best results you should use the cleanest, most organic ingredients that you can find.
After you complete the Lemonade Diet phase it is time to begin on a new diet plan. A person that is looking to maintain a sense of normalcy in their diet will enjoy these recipes:
Chicken Salad
1 chopped romaine heart
1 big handful of leafy green veggies
1 diced McIntosh Apple, with the skin on
¼ cup diced onions
1 tbsp freshly minced garlic
¼ cup chopped walnuts or almonds
1 -5 oz grilled diced chicken breast
Extra virgin olive oil and Apple cider vinegar
* Combine and enjoy
Grilled Chicken Packets
1 sliced zucchini
1 sliced squash
1 tbsp freshly minced garlic
6-8 Cherry tomatoes
1 cup mushrooms
1-5oz chicken breast diced
Extra virgin olive oil
½ handful parsley, chopped
* Combine in an aluminum foil packet and grill until chicken is cooked and veggies are tender.
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