
Leaky Gut Remedies
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
Leaky Gut is a serious problem affecting millions. Poor diet and too much caffeine make the problem constantly worse. Leaky Gut and dysbiosis cause many stomach problems and allergies, including things like constipation and asthma. To remedy leaky gut there are five major steps that must be taken.
The first step is to cleanse the body. A major cause of leaky gut is a body overflowing with toxic build up and waste that must be eliminated if healing is going to take place. A cleansing program like the Total Wellness Cleanse can teach you how to use foods to push out built up waste and clean the stomach, liver, kidneys and colon so that they can function the way they are meant to. Remember, it is only within the last century or so that humans have been eating highly processed, preservative-laden, refined foods. Our bodies don’t know what to do with these foods. In addition, our bodies can’t deal with the huge amounts of refined sugar and caffeine most of us consume. If we are going to get rid of leaky gut, we have to clear all this stuff out of the system.
The second step is to change your diet. You have cleansed your body and learned about healing with whole foods. Now you need to maintain a clean environment while your body continues to heal and balance itself. This means eating whole, healthy, alkaline foods. Fresh vegetables, a few fruits, and lots of water will be your biggest allies. Green juices and soothing, decaffeinated teas will comfort the body and provide a ton of nutrition. This will be a big change from all the chemicals, sugars and caffeine you normally ingest, but Leaky Gut is a result of years of poor eating habits. Healing is going to take less time, but it will still require a big commitment to permanent dietary changes.
The third step is to rebalance the body’s natural intestinal flora with a probiotic. This should be done after the cleanse, and during and after the body is being restored to a calm, alkaline environment. Probiotics are going to introduce living, helpful bacteria back into your gastrointestinal system so that they can control bacteria, parasites and fungi. Probiotics are very important. Without them, your colon cannot function properly and your system cannot absorb certain nutrients. A real probiotic is alive, and can be found in pill, liquid and some edible forms. Probiotics from dairy, such as yogurt, are not recommended because dairy causes allergies and mucus build up in the bowels.
The fourth step is to think positive thoughts. A major cause of disruptions, especially in our gut, is stress. Stress can be fear, anger, anxiety, or any negative thought. When stress and a poor diet are working together, the body becomes very imbalanced, very quickly. For this reason anything that creates positive thoughts and feelings and relieves negative emotions will be a big factor in healing.
The final step is to congratulate yourself. You have made commitments to big changes that are going to make a huge difference in your life. Encourage yourself. Don’t waste time on guilt or regret, just stay present and tell yourself about how great you are going to feel, or take time to notice how good you feel already.
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