Is Colon Cleansing Safe?
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
Often times people ask whether colon cleansing is safe or not.
The safety of colon cleansing depends on the approach or method used. For example, some experts say it may not be too safe to use colonics because many experts have warned against using colonics.
It is believed that they can alter the balance of those friendly, useful bacteria in the human intestines. This may be true or not, but read on and you will be able to figure out the answer.
However, a counter-argument has been put forward by some colonic therapists arguing that while colonics can remove some friendly bacteria, they will also remove harmful bacteria and waste products from the colon, giving those good bacteria a better environment in which to live.
Since there are no substantial medical proof to favor or counter these claims, you must use your own discretion.
In fact, the cameras used during colonoscopies and the observations of surgeons during intestinal surgery revealed that many of the chronically constipated patients have very clean and pure colons. Yet, clogged colons have also been identified with chronic constipations.
Therefore, it may be more advise to colon cleanse if you notice any of the following conditions:
Joint pains
Bad skin
It is also very wise not to wait until these conditions begin to manifest before going for colon cleansing. A safe preventive colon cleaning approach is best.
A colon cleansing diet will help in removing those waste foods that have clogged to the walls of your colon for years. Furthermore, they help you reduce weight a great deal.
Looking at these benefits and many more, it becomes obvious that intestinal detoxification is safe.
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