
How To Heal Leaky Gut Naturally
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
Leaky Gut is the result of years of bad eating habits and the use of antibiotics. As we eat more refined sugars, drink more caffeinated drinks, and take in more preservatives, we upset the body’s natural chemical balance. This balance, or pH, is supposed to be a healthy mix of alkalinity and acidity, with optimum health occurring when the body is slightly alkaline. Caffeine, refined sugar, and the chemicals in processed foods have an acidifying effect on the body. When our bodies become balanced towards the acidic side, the friendly microorganisms in our guts die out. We also kill these friendly bacteria by taking antibiotics. When our gut flora are gone, fungi and parasites take over. This is why both antibiotics and a poor diet can create the conditions for make conditions for Leaky Gut Syndrome.
Leaky Gut Syndrome sets in when the pores along the intestinal walls become enlarged, allowing food and toxins to seep into the blood stream. It is a very serious problem that leads to a number of symptoms, including allergies, bodily aches, and chronic diseases. To heal this problem, the stomach and colon must be cleansed of sticky matter, such as mucus, undigested food, and un-eliminated waste. This should be done by stopping the intake of caffeine and refined, processed foods and increasing consumption of raw vegetables, fruits, juices and water. The healing process can take days, months and years, but the three goals should be the same: elimination of stored waste and toxins; return to a better, more alkaline pH; and the reintroduction of helpful intestinal flora.
To reintroduce intestinal flora, a probiotic, or a supplement providing live active cultures will be necessary. Live active cultures are responsible for cleansing the bowels, breaking down plant matter and other food that is not handled by the stomach juices, and controlling the growth of harmful bacteria, fungi and parasites. Because our diet and, or, antibiotics will have killed all of this natural flora off, it will be very important to reintroduce this remarkable bacteria to our systems.
Leaky Gut is a problem affecting millions today. Many who are suffering from this illness are unaware that their symptoms can be traced back to the foods they eat daily, or the antibiotics they took a year ago, but its true. If you have learned the symptoms and health risks of Leaky Gut, you know that it is important to heal yourself as soon as possible. To do this, you must cleanse your body, change your diet, and replace your intestinal flora. The Total Wellness Cleanse can help you do all of this, and maintain your healthy results. Don’t wait any longer, now is time to be free of this horrible health risk.
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