
How To Get Rid of Sugar Cravings?
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
Eliminating sugar cravings is a very difficult battle. Your most immediate step is going to be to start replacing your refined sugar with fresh fruit. Craving cake? Eat an apple, instead. This will be a way to start yourself off toward a bigger change; however, if you have been eating high amounts of sugar for many years, eventually, you are going to need to eliminate sugary foods altogether and Detox. Sugar, especially refined sugars and high-fructose corn syrup are addictive, acidifying, and are direct sources of food for fungus and parasites. Getting rid of them is the only way to heal your body and lose dangerous sugar cravings altogether.
Start by changing your sugar habit into a diet of raw, non-sugary fruit, like apples, pears, avocado, and vegetables. Juicing each day with greens and carrots, and getting energizing protein through un-sugared and unsalted seeds and nuts can help maintain your energy levels and limit hunger so you won’t be as tempted to reach for the cereal box or the candy bar.
One reason, besides addiction, that we head toward sugary foods is that we get hungry or stressed and are compelled to get the most calories in the quickest way possible. Plus, we tend to gravitate toward “feel good” carbs when we are stressed.
However, by keeping your body satisfied with a steady flow of nutritious, raw foods, you can avoid these sudden cravings and moments of weakness.
Another thing that you must do to help your body rebalance and get over their sugar addictions, is cleanse.
Cleansing will remove toxic buildup from past dietary habits and help your body return to a healthy, alkaline environment.
When our bodies are steady and alkaline, we eat because we are hungry and for nutrients, not to satisfy a craving or desire for something sweet. This can make all the difference.
If you are subject to frequent sugar cravings, you may also have a condition called Candida. Candida is a fungus that feeds off of sugar. It is very stubborn and can be extremely harmful. Candida is linked with loss of energy, depression, bodily pain and mood swings. The only way to get rid of Candida is to stop eating all types of sugar, including natural sugar in juice and fruit, and to cleanse the body.
Sugar cravings are hard to deal with because sugar can be very difficult to avoid if you aren’t sure what to eat instead. Work to remove refined sugar from your diet immediately by eating fruit instead. Do a cleanse, and then maintain a diet that is based on natural whole foods and made up of nuts, seeds and fresh raw vegetables and fruit.
In as little as a few days, you can be free of your sugar cravings for good.
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