
How To Avoid Constipation
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
Avoiding constipation won’t seem easy at first. But, once you learn the secret, you will come to understand the common sense, healthy way to keep your colon working the way it is meant to. First, let’s talk about the ways that we become constipated.
Caffeine, sugar and too much meat and dairy in our diets can cause our colons to be unhealthy and plugged in a number of ways. Caffeine increases stress hormones, causing our stomachs to be distressed. It also causes our bodies to become acidic, since it, itself is an acid. When we take our caffeine with milk and sugar we accelerate this process, since both sugar and dairy are, also, acids within our bodies. Dairy also causes a build up of sticky mucus within our bowels, and carries several irritating allergens that our body attacks. Meat can contain hormones and other byproducts, has little, to no, fiber, and also gets stuck in sticky bowels, making it difficult to eliminate. When several of these dietary factors come together, we end up with an acidic inner-body environment and sticky, plugged bowels. The intestinal flora, once responsible for cleaning and balancing our colon are gone, since they cannot live in such an environment, and parasites and fungi have replaced them. The result? Constipation, allergies, and other illness.
Another way we become constipated is through taking antibiotics. Antibiotics are exactly what they say they are, anti-life. When these drugs enter your body they do not discriminate between good bacteria and bad, they kill all of bacteria. The human body is dependent upon some bacteria, which live naturally in the colon, to properly function. When these bacteria are killed off, the colon becomes extremely vulnerable and the stomach even stops properly digesting food and nutrients. The sad part is, while either a poor diet or antibiotics can make your colon sick, most people have been using both for years.
Another thing we don’t do is make time to go to the bathroom. If we ignore the urge to go, the urge will disappear, and irregularity will set in. Even as busy as we are in North America, we need to make time for some things.
To undo this damage and avoid future damage, three major things must be done: You must significantly change your diet, you must start taking a probiotic, and you must retrain yourself to eliminate regularly. Your diet must be improved to include raw fruits, vegetables and fresh, clean water. Also, avoid caffeine and dairy of all kinds, since these are irritating foods. As a compliment to your diet, take a probiotic to help you replace the friendly bacteria missing from your colon.
Then, you must train yourself to use the bathroom regularly. Sit on the toilet for five minutes after breakfast each morning, and after dinner each night, and try to eliminate. At first, it may not happen, but soon you will get used to going at these times. Once the friendly bacteria have returned and set up house, your diet has totally changed, and you have made time for your body to eliminate, your constipation will go away and never return.
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