
How Fast will I Lose Weight On A Cleanse?
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
The speed at which you lose weight on a cleanse depends on certain factors. If you are very overweight, going on a detox diet can help you start to lose weight within the first few weeks. Those who are not overweight at all should not expect to lose more than two to five pounds.
For those who are overweight, not only will the reduction in calories contribute to weight loss, but the removal of dead tissue and impacted fecal matter from the colon will result in weight loss and more regular elimination. Fat will also be dissolved and any toxins stored within it will be passed out of the system.
As the body of the overweight person begins to cleanse and heal, the metabolism will naturally speed up and the body systems will become more efficient. All of this can amount to significant reductions in weight, and results can be noticed with in the first one or two weeks of a cleanse.
For those who are not overweight, calorie reduction might not be a cause of weight loss, and instead, certain dead tissue and fecal matter and other toxins will be removed from the system, amounting to the loss of just a few pounds through out the length of the cleanse.
In both cases, health and energy will increase. The body will start to absorb more nutrients and cleanse itself while it sheds unneeded or malformed cells and tissues, and eliminates excess fecal matter. The end result is a healthy, glowing appearance, and a strong, energized body.
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