
Holistic Cleansing Diet
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
If you are looking to detoxify your body of the waste that has built up over the years then a holistic cleansing diet is ideal for you. The things we eat and drink that contain sugars, artificial flavorings and are processed leave behind toxins in our digestive tract. As time goes on you will begin to feel bogged down, irritable and even find yourself with a lack of mental clarity. A holistic cleansing diet will help diminish those feelings and help restore your body to optimum health. Holistic cleansing diets involve no magic pills or supplements. Instead, they involve a series of dietary and lifestyle guidelines that offer dynamic results.
To start a holistic cleansing diet you must first change your daily habits. Replace coffee and soda with herbal teas and green juices. These are generally caffeine free and the natural herbs help restore the natural energy supply in our bodies, similar to what we had as a small child. The next step is to appease that sugar craving with fruit. Fruit contains natural sugars that curb cravings and prevent you from having sugar highs and lows. Eating fruit is the most important step in a holistic cleansing diet. It is recommended that you eat only fruit before noon each day. Fruits such as cranberries are highly beneficial to the body. Cranberries are packed with antioxidants that fight off free radical damage in the body. In addition to that, studies have shown that cranberries help improve circulation and provide relief for asthma patients. Cantaloupe is another super fruit. It is loaded with Vitamins C and A. Cantaloupe helps control high blood pressure, kidney disorders and rheumatism. If you think you will be hungry only eating fruit, think again. Fruits are high in fiber which curbs hunger and helps your body maintain regular bowel movements.
As far as a holistic cleansing diet goes for dinner, you should never combine proteins and carbohydrates. Both of these are broken down in the digestive process by different enzymes. When the two enzymes exist in the digestive tract at the same time they partially negate each other. This slows the digestive process and allows time for more chemicals, fat and toxins in food to seep into your tissues. During each meal drink warm or hot beverages. Cold beverages slow the digestive process as well. During any holistic cleansing diet program it is important to drink a lot of water. It is recommended that you drink at least half your body weight in ounces in water each day.
For example, if you weigh 200 pounds then you should drink 100 ounces of water each day. Water helps flush out the waste more effectively. Avoid sugars, gluten products and milk products while embarking on a holistic cleansing diet. By maintaining a diet such as this for 30 days you will discover increased mental clarity, skin improvements and even some weight loss. Other benefits of colon cleansing are an improvement in irritability and fatigue as well as improved digestion.
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