
Habits vs. Herbs - Cleansing With Long Term Results
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
Cleansing herbs are all over the market now, and one thing they all promise is results with little effort or change on your part. I realize how tempting this is, but I don’t think you should buy the myth, or the product.
Why? Because one thing herbs cannot do for you, is help you change your unhealthy habits.
Cleansing herbs can help you while you are taking them, but only if you temporarily suspend unhealthy eating habits to take herbs and “do a cleanse” for a set amount of time. When the cleanse is done and you stop taking herbs, however, you are left with your habits and your cravings, and a lifestyle that will ultimately leave you right where you started.
Food addictions, habits, and a sedentary lifestyle, if not addressed, will quickly undo anything a brief, herbal cleanse does. Even a short cleanse, no matter how effective it may seem, will not last long enough to actually repair damaged tissue and flush stored toxins out of your system. It has taken you years to build a toxic body, so how can you hope to fix it in just a few short weeks?
This why it is important to think about the way you eat and how you live your life, rather than opting for the next “wonder-pill” and “herbal-miracle.” Unhealthy habits must be addressed and overcome if you can hope to undo years of damage done to your body through unhealthy eating and a sedentary lifestyle. No one can do it for you.
Instead, you must learn to keep track of the foods you crave, when, and why. Then you can work to break the cycle of food cravings naturally, without support from an appetite suppressor or blood cleansing herb. You can use foods to cleanse your blood and rebalance your body’s natural pH, and you can also learn to replace your normal sugary, processed foods with something healthier.
A cleansing herb, on the other hand, will not work without proper support from your diet, and it certainly won’t work forever. It only serves as a brief interlude between you and your normal eating habits. But it is your eating habits that are the biggest part of why you need to cleanse in the first place.
You will only be truly cleansed, and can only expect lasting, long term results and a healthier body, if you address your habits. Taking cleansing herbs, in the long run, will be a waste of time and money if you only go back to your old ways. Wouldn’t you rather do it right and get long-term results?
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