
Five Helpful Colon Cleansing Foods
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
It is good to understand that there are foods that help in colon cleansing as well as those that clog your colon.
Therefore, colon cleansing is all about eating the right kind of foods – those that’ll flush out the dirt from your colon, not the ones that will clog it.
The foods that cleanse your body are those that digest fast and release energy into the system.
We shall be considering the five helpful colon cleansing foods in the rest of this article:
fresh fruits
raw food diet
They are low fat nutrients foods
Easily digestible
As they digest, they mop up sticky materials from the walls of the colon
Regarded as natural cleanser because they are traditionally known to cleanse the colon
More effective when taken before any other meal especially when taken in the morning
Recommended for longer period of cleansing
Does not require herbal supplements
Can be a combination of fruits and vegetables and their juices
May include raw seeds and grains in addition to fruits and vegetables
It’s a very reliable cleansing method
Don’t eat pasta during colon cleansing because they may “punctuate” your natural cleansing process
They slow down cleansing process
Examples include some whole grain sprouted breads, quinoa, wild or basmati rice, and amaranth
Meats don’t have any cleansing effect on the colon and they can be ignored during colon cleansing. Furthermore, a diet high in meat is linked to colorectal cancer.
If you need to eat meat, then make sure it’s organic. Stick to free-run chicken and wild fish if possible.
Fibres in general are very useful in colon cleaning, and that’s why fruits and vegetables constitute the best colon cleansers.
Dietary fiber has many health benefits, and they are divided into two: Insoluble and soluble fibers
Insoluble Fiber
Help with bowel function and colon cancer
Eases passage
Enhances the gastrointestinal tract muscles
Decreases transit time
Makes stool soft and larger
Prevents compaction
Soluble Fiber
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