
Does Cleansing Improve Your Skin?
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
Because your skin is a very large, sensitive organ, when your body gets out of balance, it is very common to have skin reactions, like a rash, eczema, or acne. Acne is very common, but it is not the only skin problem affecting those with poor health due to toxins and diet. An uneven skin tone, psoriasis, and discoloration, are all signs that your body is not eliminating toxins well, and that the toxins inside are having an effect on your skin.
Not everyone who is toxic has an equal amount of skin problems. This is because we are all different, and for some of us, our skin is an extremely sensitive organ that shows signs of toxicity first. Others may be more prone to kidney or bladder infections due to a toxic body, and their skin problems may be far less noticeable, but each of us will ultimately be sorry if we don’t take our symptoms seriously. That is why, if your skin is showing you signs, you must heed them and take steps to help your body get clean.
Cleansing can improve your skin because it will help your body’s internal cleansing system become more affective. An affective internal cleansing system will work to clean toxins from the blood and eliminate them before they start accumulating around your most sensitive organs and causing you problems. A diet with too much sugar, meat, dairy and processed foods stalls this cleansing system, forcing toxins to build up when they can’t be eliminated and purged. To reverse this problem, an initial detoxifying diet will help get rid of the years of build up in your system. Then, to maintain results and keep yourself heavy, maintaining a “clean” alkaline diet is essential.
What is a “clean” alkaline diet? It is a diet that seriously limits or eliminates acidic foods like caffeine and sugar. It includes a higher dose of fresh, raw, fruits and vegetables, that are not grown with pesticides. Raw fruits and vegetables are alkalizing foods that help keep your pH balance at a level that will ensure your body stays healthy. A “clean” diet also eliminates preservatives and toxic food additives by excluding highly processed foods, like chips, crackers, and just about anything with an unnatural shelf life.
If you have skin problems like acne, eczema or psoriasis, it is a sign that your body has become toxic and that your skin, a sensitive organ, is experiencing the effects of this high toxicity level. Cleansing can improve your skin and health and teach you better dietary habits that will help you maintain your results.
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