
Does Cleansing Help You Lose Weight?
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
While the main purpose of cleansing is not to cause weight loss but to create better health and well-being, some people will find that they lose weight with a cleanse. Because a cleanse uses natural, healthy foods to help the body clean itself, the caloric intake can decrease, while the body still gets all the nutrition it needs. When we stop eating sugar, fat, grain and other processed foods, our bodies will naturally lose weight.
One reason we begin to put weight on is that we are not eliminating regularly and effectively. Fecal matter builds up within the colon, causing more food to be stored within our bodies. All of the matter from food, and the parasites and fungi that live in that matter within our colons, builds up and can add pounds to our body weight and create large, swollen stomachs. The beer belly that develops with too many years of drinking is exactly that; mucus, fecal matter, parasites and fungi.
Like a beer belly, your invisible waste line and the fullness in your abdomen and hips are results of a plugged colon. The colon becomes plugged from a diet that causes mucus and waste to build up in the bowels, kills off helpful intestinal flora, and does not contain enough fiber. After several years of this, the accumulation results in significant weight gain and makes losing weight extremely difficult, if not impossible.
When you cleanse, you will giving your body a needed rest and help it get rid of all of the waste locked inside the colon. If you are already thin, you probably will notice only a few pounds weight loss, but if your abdomen is swollen, you may notice a significant difference in weight after a cleanse. With continued dietary monitoring and cleansing, the weight loss will transform into a steady, maintained weight and a healthy, energetic body.
You should not cleanse just to lose weight, you should cleanse for your health. Being overweight, or having trouble keeping off pounds is merely a symptom of a much bigger problem; a problem that is making you very unhealthy. A cleanse will remove the years of stored junk and give you new dietary habits. You won’t just lose weight and keep it off, you will gain health, vitality, and a renewed sense of youth and well-being. Your quality of life and your waste-line will improve dramatically. But don’t do it for looks, do it for your health!
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