Detoxification Symptoms

Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.

During the initial phases of a detox, many stored toxins are breaking free and flooding the system. The body also is experiencing certain cravings for sugar, caffeine, and other substances, which can cause withdrawal-like symptoms. When you detox, therefore, you can expect to experience a number a physical and emotional discomforts.

Physical discomforts can manifest themselves as nausea, headaches, dizziness, aches, exhaustion, “burning” or tingling on the skin, or sleeplessness. You can also feel restless and generally uncomfortable. Some people even notice that clothing seems to bother them, or becomes itchy and irritating to the skin. These symptoms only last for a few days.

Emotional discomforts can last longer than physical ones, although the worst of these symptoms also pass within a few days to a week. Emotions, like irritability, depression, frustration, or anger, are the results of both increased tiredness, or sleeplessness, and withdrawal from caffeine and sugar. Feeling ill or weak can also stir up some sadness or anger, but it all will soon pass.

In the meantime, there are things that you can do to overcome your emotional and physical disruptions, and make your detox a more pleasant experience. The simplest of these involves physical activity, which gets the blood pumping and encourages the secretion of toxins through sweat and breath. Another very simple and soothing treatment is a steamy hot shower, which can relax tense muscles and can help move toxins through the skin.

Hot showers and exercise should always be combined with drinking fresh, cool water. No matter what, during a detox you should be drinking a significant amount of fresh water all day. Water will help keep you calm and hydrated, and it will help your body get rid of stored toxins faster. Cold water with lemon squeezed in, or lemon tea, made from hot water and a lemon slice and peel are very good to have when experiencing negative detox symptoms.

Detox symptom aren’t only negative; there are good detox symptoms, too. While detoxing, some people feel more energetic and mentally alert. The cleansing process can make some people feel stronger, it can also increase endurance during aerobic exercise. Other detoxifcation patients notice they go to sleep faster and wake up more rested. The good symptoms of detox are normally experienced after the first week, or during the first week along with some other, less desirable symptoms.

Although symptoms can be good and bad, most people have at least some discomfort while detoxing. The best thing to do is to ride it out, take care of yourself, and know that the irritation will soon pass. When it does, you’ll feel better than you ever have before.

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