Detox Diet Success Stories
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
Here are five success stories from people just like you who have tried a detox or cleansing diet and loved their results:
This first example is an excerpt from the story of Jennifer Ripa-Edson from
Ridgebury, Connecticut
"I had tried seven or eight times to quit drinking coffee in the past with no long term success. Thanks to the total wellness cleanse, I have completely eliminated it from my life.
I had been addicted to sugar since I was a child, and that is no longer part of my daily life either. I had been eating wheat and dairy all of my life and have suffered from almost constant headaches as a result of my sensitivity to these substances.
A friend who hadn't seen me in a while commented that I have the skin of a teenager. I lost 10 pounds, an inch from my waist, and two and a half inches from my hips.
Mostly, I value the wealth of knowledge I obtained on how to truly love and care for myself, body, mind and spirit. "
Here is part of a story from Leah Benson of Florida:
"I lost weight, dropped clothing sizes, got rid of my candida problem, lost my massive sugar cravings and learned how to feed myself in a manner that fills me up and leaves me satisfied without leaving me with guilty feelings about what I just ate.
I am so proud of myself and thrilled to have had the experience that I can't just keep it to myself. So go for it!!! You won't be disappointed."
And this short, sweet story from Whillimae Astwood of Bermuda, talking about her experience with the Total Wellness Cleanse:
""From the very beginning I saw improvements with my health. My energy increased, I was able to walk home from work at least 3 times a week (4.8 miles), and my complexion looked clean and fresh.
... about 2 weeks into the cleanse my weight began to stabilize and I ended up loosing 10 lbs, which I have maintained."
Here is Amrit Agarwal from Virginia speaking about her experiences:
"I was an overweight mother of two, who was suffering with excess weight and increasing issues with skin allergies, feeling lethargic and falling hair. I had tried different diets and also worked with a fitness trainer but still did not see any progress. My belly area was so big that many of my close friends sometimes wondered if i was pregnant.
When I decided to cleanse, I lost 17 pounds in 3 weeks and went from 24% body fat to 21%. I learned a great deal about eating right and eating healthy. I can honestly eat this way for the rest of my life. My skin has improved, and my husband and friends see a significant change in my mood.
I have learned to read food labels and tell the difference between healthy food and foods that do not do my body any good. I do not crave sugars anymore and automatically choose healthier foods over not-so-healthy ones. I have learned to listen to my body and understand its needs." and finally, a wonderful story from Mike McKenna, of New York:
"My results on this cleansing program were strong all around. I easily lost all the weight I wanted to (15 pounds) in the first 3 weeks by combining the cleanse with my early morning exercise routine.
Medically, before the cleanse I was given a prescription for high cholesterol which I never filled. Needless to say, I dropped 90 points in overall cholesterol, avoiding the need for meds. The loose bowel issues I've had for the better part of the last year are gone. I have also not had one headache (another health problem of mine) over the last 3 weeks.
I will be staying with an all vegetable, fruit, nut and fish diet, and possibly add more of the heavier suggested recipes from the post-cleanse.
So, thank you for all the time and energy that you put into it for us. And again, the references to the power of positive thinking and the Law of Attraction made it that much more enjoyable"
All of these stories are real, and each of these people are speaking about a life-changing experience brought about by a cleanse. Although the stories are different, the people telling them have a few things in common: they decided to undergo a cleanse, they stuck with it, and, as a result, they feel better than they ever have before.
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