Colon Cleansing For Weight Loss
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
The colon is regarded as the last part of the human digestive tube that is responsible for the absorption of water from the solid waste food substances before the body finally gets rid of them through the anus.
Considerable weight loss is achievable through cleansing of the colon, but it must be done the right way. How healthy the colon is plays an important role in weight loss program. In fact, a healthy and clean colon speeds up your weight loss process more than when the colon is clogged with wastes.
There are many reasons why you should clean your colon before going on weight loss diets:
1. The presence of waste or fecal substances in the colonic walls brings feelings of tiredness and fatigue.
The best way to combat this is to quickly go for colon cleansing, immediately you notice you are getting unnecessarily worn-out and tired because if this is not done quickly, you may find it pretty difficult to maintain strict adherence to the colon cleaning diet.
2. Colon cleansing has direct positive effects on your digestion, making it faster and more efficient. When the colon is neat and has very few bacteria culture, digestion is very fast and easy. The body also becomes healthier as it’s able to draw more nutrients from the digested foods.
Also, with cleansing of the colon, your body becomes prepared to properly digest the weight loss diets. When the colon is clean proper amounts of food nutrients will be absorbed alongside water and the remaining wastes are excreted.
3. A colon cleanse diet gives you enough energy that you need to exercise to bring down your weight. Exercise is an inevitable need in colon cleanse for weight loss program.
Consumption of deep fried foods, caffeinated foods, and all kinds of foods that lack fibres, vegetables and dietary fibers can lead seriously to the clogged waste materials in our colon.
Colon cleansing diets are still the best ways to clean the colon. Fibre-rich foods, water, and essential fatty acids are the best.
Consuming foods that have low concentrations of fibres, refined carbohydrates, lots of animal products, and fatty foods are not great for the colon – these food materials clog the intestinal walls over time.
It is therefore important that you increase the fiber content of your diet. Examples of foods rich in fiber are:
Raw carrot
Just in case you have developed a habit of clogging up your colon through a diet from unhealthy foods, then you start eating more fruits and vegetables as a great way to get things moving the way the should and to improve your overall health.
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