
Cleansing Your Mind While On A Cleanse
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
I think, innately, we all understand the mind-body connection. Even at a basic level, the understanding that a thought or fear which takes place in the mind releases certain chemicals, such as adrenalin for fears, and serotonin for happiness, peace, or relaxation, makes immediate sense to us. Therefore, it is a pretty intuitive understanding with which we recognize that if we want our body to be healthy, relaxed, and energetic, we must cleanse and purify our mind as well.
A body cleanse is a unique and wonderful opportunity to clean out your mind, do away with patterns of negative thinking, and learn to relax and let go. When you start to cleanse the body, all of the toxic sludge breaking loose, all of the cravings brought on by addiction and emotional eating habits, and all of the insecurities that cause those addictions and eating habits in the first place, are going to be front and center.
I know this sounds unpleasant. It is. But as uncomfortable as it will be, it will also be an amazing opportunity to confront, not only what you have been eating, but what has been eating you.
So, here is some advice for how to move towards a better, healthier, happier state of mind.
First, breathe. I know, it is so cliche' these days. Everyone is telling you, just breathe. But there is a reason.
Breathing purifies the body and quiets the mind. When you focus on long, deep breaths, your mind will become more still, more serene, and more open. Negative thoughts will become more apparent for what they are;
Simply thoughts. Thoughts that you cling to and allow to control your mental, physical, and emotional states.
While you breathe, let these thoughts come, and then let them go. Let them float away, and return your attention to your breath. If you have trouble focusing, try counting your breaths.
Count ten inhales, then start over. Do this for a while (as long as you want), then switch and count ten exhales. Set a timer so that you can count your breathes for a period of ten or twenty minutes each day.
Next, exercise. A walk, a run, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you listen to your body when it is tired and make sure you aren't in pain. Rebounding, or jumping on a trampoline, is an especially good exercise.
Exercising will help relieve stress and increase oxygen to the blood and brain. Exercise for at lease fifteen minutes a day to start with, then increase it to thirty minutes a day. Believe me, after some exercise, your mind will feel more clear, controlled and serene.
Finally, face it. Whatever it is that is bugging you, deal with it. If you don't you'll never get through this. Maybe it is a simple fear that you need to face and get over, or maybe it is something deep that requires counseling or advice.
No matter. The best thing you can do is get the help you need, take the steps you need, and take care of yourself. Eating is not just a physical need, it is tied to certain feelings of safety and security. Your eating habits are linked with emotional and mental nourishment, as much as they are linked to physical needs.
That is precisely why you need to focus on cleansing your mind as well as your body.
Believe me, I don't mean to make it sound easy. It might be the hardest thing you have ever done. But it might also be the most rewarding. Just picture yourself happy, healthy and free.
Don't give in, or give up, you can do it.
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