
Cleanse For Wellness
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
If you are still having doubts about whether a cleanse is right for you, this article can help you decide by listing some of the great benefits of cleansing. You already know the drawbacks: a major change in lifestyle, giving up sugar and caffeine, giving up Happy Meals and going through a detox period. Perhaps you are wondering if all of that is too much to handle? Maybe you are wondering if it will all be worth it? We have news for you, it is worth it!
ven if you are not experiencing a long list of unsettling symptoms, there are some very wonderful and healthful things a cleanse can do for you. The most important and immediate benefit of a cleanse is that it lets your digestive system a needed rest. What system in your body works harder? Each day the digestive system is given food to break down, extract nutrients from, separate into useful material and waste, and eliminate. Your digestive system is host to a microcosm of chemicals and microorganisms, all working in sync to provide your brain and body with needed fuel. However, like any machine, the digestive system gets backed up without regular cleaning, or with poor diet or the use of antibiotics. Overtime mucus, undigested food and uneliminated fecal matter build up along the intestinal wall. If left untreated, this backed up system can cause major health problems, like dysbiosis, irritable bowel syndrome, or worse. Cleansing will help you get rid of this toxic build up and it will let your digestive organs rest, heal and renew. Every body needs a break to be healthy.
nother great effect of a cleansing program is the elimination of chemicals, waste and disease that come in through our foods and get stored in fat cells. These chemicals are petroleum based or otherwise fat soluble, and they become absorbed by our bodies, staying for years and causing illness. Only during a natural body cleanse can these toxins be drawn out and eliminated, lessening the chances for future illness.
Beside our cells and our stomachs, there are two other things in our bodies that are essential for our survival, health and well being; the kidneys and the liver. The kidneys and the liver clean our blood and process our fluids. Like the colon, long periods without a cleanse, toxic foods, alcohol, chemicals, and medicines, build up in these vital organs, negatively affecting their function. Not only do our livers and kidneys loose their ability to cleanse us, they become sick themselves, and can break down if the work load is too heavy or too constant. Cleansing can let them rest, heal, renew and return to optimum function.
Are you still wondering if a cleanse is right for you? The answer is yes. Everyone, no matter how healthy, can benefit from a cleanse. Why? Because a cleanse is the body’s chance at rest, healing and renewal. Just like the brain and muscles need sleep to keep functioning, a cleanse gives the liver, kidneys, and colon the rest they desperately need. A cleanse clears the body of waste and chemicals that have remained stored in the colon or fat cells before they cause anymore illness or discomfort. A cleanse is about wellness. And wellness is important to everyone.
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