
30 - Day Cleanse and Detox
Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN & Amy Coates, RHN, BSc.
Over time our bodies become contaminated from the sugars and fats we eat and drink. What are signs that your body is contaminated? Acne, obesity, fatigue and fogginess are just a few. The toxins, acid and chemicals that exist inside our body from years of dietary and lifestyle abuse are being stored inside our fat cells and wreaks havoc on bodies.
The best 30-day cleanse and detox program available today is the Total Wellness Cleanse Program. This program is designed to help people change their lifestyle and dietary habits while detoxing their body naturally. You will find this program is easy to follow and does not involve any magic pill or supplements that promise fast results. In fact, this 30 day cleanse and detox program is designed to instill long term changes in our habits to help keep your body healthy.
The 30 day cleanse and detox program is broken into two phases. Days 1-14 make up the Cleanse Phase and days 15-30 make up the Maintenance Phase. During the Cleanse Phase of the Total Wellness Cleanse Program you will receive day to day support and a detailed dietary, lifestyle and exercise plan to follow. This program was designed by our team of holistic nutritionists that promises you dramatic results in just a few short weeks. During the Cleanse Phase you will learn how to diminish all desires your body has for sugars, alcohol and bad foods.
When sugars are stored in the body and in the fat cells they corrode your body. Sugar also promotes free-radicals and damages to the arteries and body tissue. Long term results of this damage can be diabetes or obesity. The Maintenance Phase is a plan of action to help implement what habits you learned during the Cleanse Phase into your regular life. This is an 8 week plan that consists of an easy to follow meal plan. The end results of the 30 day cleanse and detox program are more energy, clearer complexion and weight loss. Not to mention, of course, the overall dynamic health.
If you think that this program is going to consist of crazy meals that taste bad and have, hard to find ingredients, then think again. The 30-day cleanse and detox program is designed to help your body crave non-sweet fruits, veggies and non- gutenous grains. Several key foods for detoxing your body of the toxins that have built up over time are blueberries and garlic. Blueberries are high in antioxidants.
Antioxidants are perfect for fighting the effects of free radicals. The natural sugars in blueberries will also curb our sugar craving without sending your body on a roller coaster of highs and lows. Garlic is loaded with sulfur. For best results, garlic needs to be crushed to release the active ingredients. Increasing your sulfur intake will increase bile production which yields better liver function. The 30 day Total Wellness Cleanse and detox program promises to change your body for the better in a few short weeks and help you achieve your healthy goals.
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